Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fitness Essay Essays

Fitness Essay Essays Fitness Essay Essay Fitness Essay Essay Why do people exercise? This may be a simple question, but it can generate multiple and varying responses. Assumptions such as pure weight loss, arise. Although this may be true, weight loss is not the only reason that drives people to engage in such activities. If curious minds dig a little deeper within this topic, different perceptions are brought up or given a better understanding of the situation. People exercise for many reasons. These reasons can be categorized to physical, psychological, and emotional dimension. In the physical sense, people exercise to better their appearance by losing or maintaining weight and overall health. One of the most noticeable effects of exercise is the physical changes that occur to the loss of body fat in a person. A person who may be overweight see exercise as a tool to help him achieve his desired body composition. With continuous exercise, the body burns calories. Excess fat that are stored within the body are utilized and burned for energy, leading to weight loss. Aside from weight loss, exercising provides beneficial heart effects to a person. It strengthens the heart muscle by allowing it to pump blood more effectively which results in the reduction of pressure on the walls of the blood vessel, which lowers blood pressure. (Sherwood, 2010). Other heart benefits include good HDL cholesterol levels, reducing bad LDL cholesterol levels, and reducing inflammation of arteries, as suggested by the University of Maryland Medical Center, or UMMC (as cited by Sherwood, par. 4). According to the website WebMD, regular exercise can help prevent diseases and ailments such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, back pain, and osteoporosis. Beyond the physical effects of exercise come psychological effects. Running, after a long and stressful day at school or work can help a person feel better afterwards. The link between exercise and mood is pretty strong, Michael Otto, PhD, a professor of psychology at Boston University says. Usually within five minutes after moderate exercise you get a mood-enhancement effect. (as cited by Weir, 2011). Aerobic exercises help the body produce chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are polypeptides that that bind the neuron-receptors in the brain which provides relief from pain (ciarac, 2006). : Also, a ere important issue is knowing how many calories youre supposed to consume each day and shooting to never overeat. Overeating is one of the worst things a person can do if theyre trying to get to a healthier weight because unless you have a daily workout routine, you wont burn those extra calories off. Exercise comes in all forms. Some people enjoy spending hours at the gym, while others do better Just taking a hike through the woods. As long as youre up and moving, youre doing your part. Swimming, yoga, and Samba classes are Just a few of the fun ways to get your work out in or one could do a more vigorous workout at home, doing POX or Insanity. Exercise is the best way to burn calories and melt away that unwanted body fat. For exercise to do its Job, you must fuel your body with the correct food, so it can perform its best. A good diet plays the largest role in having excellent physical fitness because no matter how well your workout routine is, you can never out work a bad diet. Developing these good eating habits is a struggle at first but once you get into the swing of things it becomes easier. Portion control is one of the major problems because peoples eyes tend to be bigger than their stomach and they also dont realize that shivering themselves full of food is not only bad for you, but it slows down your metabolism. We have always been taught to eat three meals a day but in reality what our bodies need are five to six small, healthy meals.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How the Study of Psychology Can Help You Interact with People

How the Study of Psychology Can Help You Interact with People How the Study of Psychology Can Help You Interact with People The human mind is very complex. It can be extremely difficult to understand why people in your life behave the way they do. Why does your boyfriend or spouse keep leaving his dirty socks on the floor even though you keep asking him not to? Why does your friend always cancel plans with you at the last minute? Why does your mother always criticize? The reasons are complicated; that’s why we have psychology to understand them. Here are all the ways the study of psychology can make your interactions with others go more smoothly. The art of skillful communication is made up of many little things: word choice, tone, facial expressions, and body language. Any small misunderstanding can lead to problems later. Studying psychology helps you understand verbal and nonverbal communication better, and also convey your own message to others more clearly. Understanding different personalities. Each individual reacts to situations differently based on his/her personality type. At Psychology classes, you learn all about these personality types and what kind of behavior to expect from them. In addition, there are many disorders (narcissism, passive-aggression, etc.) that cause people to behave in dysfunctional ways. Understanding these can help you cope with such behaviors in other people more effectively. Understanding yourself. It’s not unusual to feel alone in your thoughts and feelings. But the fact is there are probably many other people who share them. Studying psychology helps you learn about those thoughts and feelings which may be confusing and difficult, giving you perspective to deal with them better. You will become a stronger person Giving constructive feedback. Everyone needs feedback. But sometimes, if it’s given in a manner that’s critical or unkind, feedback can cause the other party to shut down. Psychology teaches you the nuances of how your feedback affects others, so you can use it to bring out the best in them instead of discouraging them. Conflict resolution. No one enjoys conflicts, but sometimes it’s inevitable. When you learn what causes people to respond in a negative way to the behavior or situation, you can resolve the conflict calmly, without allowing yourself to get carried away by your emotions. Identifying problem behavior. Sometimes we don’t realize that a friend’s or a co-workers behavior is a problem until it’s got out-of-control. Psychology helps us spot toxic behaviors and relationships early so that we can change the course or weed them out before things get too crazy for us to handle. Avoiding unnecessary power struggles. Some things are worth fighting for. Others are not. Studying psychology helps you choose your battles and save your energy for the areas in which you really can make a difference. Making the best of people’s good qualities. Studying psychology can make you more aware of dysfunction like anxiety or depression. But it also makes you more tuned into people’s positive qualities so you can appreciate them and use them to advantage in your personal life or the workplace. Being a good leader. A study of psychology is excellent preparation for a position of leadership in a company. It helps you understand your employees and how to get the best out of them. More options for careers. Studying psychology opens the doors to many great careers. You could become a clinical psychologist, a college professor, or a therapist, just to name a few. Your degree can also be useful if you go into a career as a vocational counselor, a human resource officer, a detective, or a market researcher. As you can see, Psychology is more than just a class. It can be a key component to navigating human relationships and finding success.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why new cars are better then old cars Research Paper

Why new cars are better then old cars - Research Paper Example This is because of the fact that new cars are far better and cheaper than the old cars. Indian car manufacturer, TATA group recently world’s cheapest passenger car NANO, priced only $ 2000. Even though, prices are coming down, the quality and reliability, safety features, performances, fuel efficiency, comfort levels etc of the current cars are far superior to that of the old cars. This paper briefly analyzes why new cars are better than the old cars. â€Å"Anybody with a car older than three years should be tucking aside $50 a month for repairs and maintenance† (Toups). Old cars cause many problems to the drivers on the road. Occasional engine failures, battery failures, clutch problems, break problems, accelerator problems etc are some of them. The old car owner may force to spend a substantial amount of money for as the repairing cost. On the other hand new cars cause little problems to the driver. The performances of new cars are far better than the old cars. New ca rs were given lot of importance not only to the performance, but also for the safety of the passengers. For example, airbags are one of the safety measures introduced in new cars. Airbags help the passengers to save their life when the car accidents occur. Older cars had no such facility to protect the passenger lives. Airbags will be inflated at the time of accidents and it will shield the passengers from big collisions which can cause severe injuries. Apart from the driver and the front seat passenger, current cars have airbags even for the back seat passengers. The number of air bags has been increased from one to more than 10 at present for some of the advanced cars. Moreover, it is easy for the driver to apply brake smoothly and effectively on new cars compared to the older cars because of the advancements in the braking technologies developed by car manufacturers. â€Å"Today’s automobiles are sophisticated electronically controlled machines† (Erjavec,p.3). Elect ronics has given immense contributions to human life and automobile sector is one area in which electronics brought tremendous changes. Most of the older cars were operated manually by the driver. For example, for raising or lowering the window glasses, the driver forced to put lot of manual efforts in old cars. On the other hand, pressing a switch will help the driver to raise or lower the window glasses in new cars. The fuel tank, dickey etc can also be opened with the help of some switches in the new cars. Global positioning system is another electronically controlled modification in new cars. It helps the drivers to identify routes and locate the places. The computers inside the current cars are even capable of taking the control of the vehicle if the driver accidently sleeps while driving. Moreover, the current car equipments can even measure the alcohol levels in the body of the driver and advice the driver whether to proceed with the driving or not. Such facilities were not t here in the older cars. In short, the reliability of the current cars is far more superior to the older cars. Current cars are more fuel efficient than the older cars. The technology has improved a lot so that some of the current cars give even more than 25miles per gallon (Mpg) of petrol. Most of the older cars were delivering fuel efficiency less than 10 Mpg. Petrol or diesel is necessary for driving a car. However, the availability of petrol or diesel is getting decreased day by day because of the increased usages. Americans faced the effects of oil crisis in the seventies. The energy crisis of the seventies started in October 1973 when OPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) and some other Arab countries declared an oil embargo upon United States in

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

From Pencils to Pixels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

From Pencils to Pixels - Essay Example My parents are both hard-working people who had little spare time when I was young. My father in particular was away from home a great deal of the time, and I saw very little of him when I was very young, because I was generally in bed before he came home from work. My earliest and best memories are of the evenings when he would creep into my room and tell me a bedtime story. I remember the smell of cigarettes and chemicals on his clothes, and I know he enjoyed telling me stories because he used to make silly voices for all the characters. This is probably why I learned to love books, and perhaps why I enjoy poetry and drama also. We used to have a boxed set of fairy tales based on the Walt Disney cartoons, and these were my favorites. I thought there was something magical in storybooks and I used to have vivid dreams about the fantastic places in these stories. Writing was connected with pictures for me at first. I used to make pasta paintings, finger paintings, and sponge paintings and my mother encouraged me to make shapes like the letters of the alphabet. In my bedroom there was a poster with the letters of the alphabet in the shape of different animals. To this day I connect the letter d with a donkey and p with a parrot! I could write my name before I went to school, and I remember that I did not like writing with wax crayons. They are difficult to use because they do not have a well defined point, and I hated the way that the colors rubbed off on each other. In my pre-school years, then, reading and writing were connected in my mind with happy times in the family and I had a generally positive attitude towards literacy. I was happy to experiment with any new writing tools, although I do remember being in disgrace for a few days after a little experiment with some indelible markers and the wallpaper in the hallway. When I went to school I was surprised at the number of children in the class who did not seem to know what to do with a book or a pencil and p aper. I was not the best student when it came to writing, and in fact spelling is still not my strongest point, but at least I was willing to learn and I liked writing much better than math or science. Sometimes I used to buy notebooks and letter writing sets with my pocket money and my favorite toy was a post office set with tiny stamps and envelopes. The method of teaching reading in my first school involved a series of graded reading books which my parents were supposed to read with me. I hated these books because nothing exciting ever happened in them. They were usually domestic tales about children and dogs, or famous extracts from history. I remember there was one interminable story about pioneers but I don’t remember what happened in it. In my mind at that time, there was reading and writing for school, which was by definition not pleasurable, and then there was reading and writing for fun, which I did at home or in the local library and this very definitely did give m e pleasure. Looking back now with the benefit of hindsight, I think this was an unhelpful distinction, but at the time this was how I saw it. I came rather late to computers, compared to some other children in my class at school. I preferred music when I was a young teenager, and I used to listen to music until late into the night. In general I think that my awareness of language comes mainly through listening, and this may explain why I prefer television or YouTube when I am looking for facts or explanations. It was not until the last

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost Essay Example for Free

Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost Essay Walking alone at night, for some, can seem like a peaceful thing to do, to help clear a person’s mind and let the day’s troubles disappear into the dark. For others, though, the night is when a person feels the most alone and must face their own demons. Robert Frost makes the night become that dark, grim and depressing time in which people reflect on themselves in his poem â€Å"Acquainted with the Night†. The first time reading the poem, one just simply thinks a person is taking a walk at night in the city, keeping to themself when meeting the watchman and listening to the sounds on the streets around, all the while keeping time by the moon in the sky as to when to head back home. But, when taking a closer look, the reader can begin to see the pain, grief and the foreboding feeling the speaker has about life itself, the feeling of being alone and wanting it to stay that way. It also shows that the speaker isn’t the only person with pain and grief on this night. The theme of Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Acquainted with the Night† is depression and grief in the speakers’ personal life. Frost tells us this by using symbolism and tone in the lines of the poem. â€Å"I have walked out in rain – and back in rain. † The second line in the poem tells the reader that whatever troubles the speaker is having or has had is so much for this person, that when they walk in the night, it doesn’t matter what the weather is, they will walk and walk all night through the rain, trying to out walk their troubles. The rain can also symbolize life itself, always pouring one thing after another on a person, one stress after another, one heartache after another, and sometimes no matter how strong a person is, they can never get away from that rain. The following line, â€Å"I have outwalked the furthest city light. † tells the reader, in the literal sense, that the speaker also does not care about the distance as to which they will walk to try to leave their troubles behind. Or it can symbolize that no matter how far a person goes in life, there is always trouble waiting. I have looked down the saddest city lane. † shows the reader that the speaker, though physically alone, isn’t all that alone in the grimness of life. The lane the speaker is looking down gives the reader the picture that it is run down, abandoned almost and even probably poverty stricken. The reader sees that the speaker isn’t the only one with trouble and depression, it surrounds the speaker but the he sees himself as alone in that he is wrapped up in his own feelings and thoughts. Even when the speaker passes the watchman on the treet, he doesn’t want to explain why he is out at night and averts his eyes so that maybe he will get by without being stopped. The speaker wants to keep the solitude he has in his mind intact so he wants to avoid even speaking to the watchman. The lines 7 through 10 go more in depth of the speakers’ feelings of solitude and isolation while he is out in the night: â€Å"I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet When far away an interrupted cry Came over houses from another street, but not to call me back or say good-bye;† The 7th line shows that the speaker really is all alone out there when walking; there are no other sounds of people walking or going about on the street he is walking down. The speaker walking alone reflects how he feels in his everyday life, alone, no one to walk with him and take on the troubles of life. But, he isn’t too far away from others because he can hear a cry from another lost soul dealing with their own turmoil. The lines 8 to 9 make the entire poem come across as almost horrific, because the reader then wonders what kind of cry is it that the speaker is hearing? Is the sound of some crime? Or just another person in and dealing with their own hell? Then the final lines of the poem bring home the morbid tone of the entire piece. Line 11, â€Å"And further still at an unearthly height† symbolizes how the speaker feels about how out of reach and out of touch he is with his surroundings and possibly with life itself. The lines 12 and 13, â€Å"One luminary clock against the sky / Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right. † makes the reader feel the dark tone of the poem even more. The reader, at this point, is brought closer to understanding the speaker’s feeling of loneliness and solitude because that is how most people feel, no matter when it is, it is never the right time or the wrong time for almost anything. It feels as if one can almost never make the right call as to when to do something in their life that is important. The line 13 makes the reader wonder if the speaker is considering suicide, that the speaker is wondering if the time is ever right for committing suicide, or is it ever right for living life. The repeated line â€Å"I have been one acquainted with he night† as the first and last lines of the poem is the final piece that really sets the tone of darkness for the poem as a whole. Night is usually acquainted with darkness, scary things, loneliness, solitude, unhappiness and even depression. So the simple line brings to light the deepness of the inability of the speaker not being able to find things in common with those around him, not being able to open up and discuss himself and his feelings and thoughts. He has known trouble and pain, and doesn’t know how to leave it behind, so he carries it with him so that even during the day, he feels as if he is always in the darkness of night. Overall, Frost’s poem â€Å"Acquainted with the Night† is a poem that can be taken just literally, or symbolically. It depends on the kind of outlook on life each person that reads the poem has. Some might not see the symbolism of the feelings of darkness, isolation and grief, while others see it right away. But either way, the reader can still feel the dark tone of the poem whether it is the first time reading it, or the hundredth, just from the beginning and ending lines, â€Å"I have been one acquainted with the night†.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Individual Versus Society in Kerouac and Ginsberg Essay -- Allen G

The Individual Versus Society in Kerouac and Ginsberg    One theme that is prevalent throughout much of the literature we have covered so far is that it is very critical of the conformist values of late 1950s society. In an era of Levittowns and supermarkets and the omnipresent television, there was a call to leave the conformist suburban culture in search of something higher. Two major proponents of the individual as opposed to society were Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, two of the central figures in the Beat movement. Through their work one can gain a perspective on the anti-conformity spirit that was brewing under the surface in the Beat culture. The Dharma Bums, by Jack Kerouac, tells us through the mouth of Ray Smith about his time with Japhy the Zen Lunatic. His narrative depicts a critique of modern culture, with its demands, expectations, and plastic rewards. Even the title of the book suggests this, as the Buddhist word Dharma means one's niche, or spiritual duty in the universe. Thus a Dharma Bum would be one whose natural place in the world, where he rightly belongs, is living the life of a transient. In other words, Kerouac is saying that there is no shame in a life which is outside of the normal realm of society, if this is where one's life takes them. One central theme of The Dharma Bums is Buddhism. One of the most important things to note about the religion in this book is the two forms it takes, and the significance these forms have on the plot and meaning of the book. Ray Smith is a neophyte in the school of Theraveda Buddhism, which is a school dedicated to movement towards enlightenment. Under the teaching of the Theraveda canon, everything a person does should be done with the end goal of perso... ...the top of the mountain and climbing still higher. However, Ginsberg sees desolation and the decay of our society into a homogenous, conformist slop. The reason for this difference could be attributed to their particular situations; while both were climbing higher and higher both in the Beat circles and in the literary world, Ginsberg was still confronting his own sexuality and past. At any rate, however, it becomes clear through the readings of these poets that both were proponents of the individual, and that both condemned conformity. By the late 1950s, the main question on the minds of these men would be whether we could rise above the "faceless wonderless crapulous civilization." Works Cited Allen, Donald, ed. The New American Poetry 1945-1960. Berkely, CA.: U. of California P., 1999. Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. New York: The Penguin Group, 1976.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Project Noah Essay

The Philippine government’s Department of Science and Technology or DOST Advanced Science and Technology Institute along with the help of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAG-ASA), Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PhilVolcs) and University of the Philippine’s National Institute of Geological Science and its College of Engineering launched its project called â€Å"National Operation Assessment of Hazards and Risk† known as â€Å"Project NOAH† last July 6, 2012 in the city of Marikina to promote and combine advance science and technology to enhance the disaster management and prevention capacity of the Philippines. This project was designed to answer the need for a systematic early warning system for floods in the country. As we all know, the Philippines have experienced unexpected huge calamities these past few years examples of those were the Typhoon Ondoy happened last 2009 and the recent monsoon happened two weeks ago that caused great damages on the lives of our fellow countrymen, their properties and source of living which also affected the whole country’s economy. Due to this repetitious and unavoidable condition, this project would provide a more accurate, timely and easy to access warning about hazards that would affect the country for the safety of our people in every area of the Philippines. With the use of advance technology, this project would be able to provide a six hour ahead of time warning in the communities subjected to danger against incoming floods by the use of a geo- hazard vulnerability map which will be accessed using the internet. Presently this project has only eight major components which will provide the Project NOAH quick, accurate and more reliable information about floods and disaster. These are the Hydromet Sensors Development, the Disaster Risk Exposure Assessment for Mitigation (DREAM), Flood information Network (FLOODNET), Weather Hazard Information Project (WHIP), Enhancing Geo- hazards Mapping through Light detection and ranging (LIDAR), Local Development of Doppler Radar Systems (LaDDeRS), Landslide Sensors Development Project and the Coastal Hazards and Storm Surge Assessment and Mitigation (CHASSAM). This project was said to distribute Hydrometeorological (Hydromet) devices in different areas in the Philippines composed of 600 automated rain gauges (ARG) and 400 water level monitoring stations (WLMS) in 18 major river basins of the Philippines namely, the Marikina River Basin, the Cagayan de Oro River Basin, Iligan River Basin, Agno River Basin, Pampanga River Basin, Bicol River Basin, Cagayan River Basin, Agusan River Basin, Panay River Basin, Magaswang Tubig River Basin, Jalaur River Basin, Ilog- Hilabangan River Basin, Agus River Basin, Davao River Basin, Mindanao River Basin, Tagum- Libuganon River Basin, Tagaloan River Basin and Buayan- Malungun River Basin in December 2013 that will provide a better picture of the country’s surface waters which will be very helpful in detecting floods. It also aims to provide three- dimensional hazard maps in the major river systems and water sheds as well as in the flood prone areas like the city of Marikina throughout the country. Building the Flood Information Network or FloodNet which will provide computer models for critical River Basins, automation of data gathering, modeling and distribution of information about flood forecasts was also said to be completed as well as the 50 sites in the Philippines to added by the newly adopted landslide sensors which the cities of San Francisco, Surigao del Norte, Tago, Surigao del Sur, Tublay Bugias, Bokod in Benguet, Guihulngan, Negros Occidental, St. Bernard, Southern Leyte and Tubungan in Iloilo presently have now was said to be completed at the end of 2013.. On the other hand, by year 2014 the government targets to use a LIDAR or Light detection and ranging and computer- assisted analysis technology that will identify exact areas in the country prone to landslides. They also targets to complete the installation of the Coastal Hazards and Storm Surge Assessment and Mitigation technology that will generate wave surge, its refraction and coastal circulation models that would help the people understand, find solutions and prepare early in case of coastal erosion. Presently, it has been reported that Doppler radars which will help in sensing the dynamic parameters of our country’s sea surfaces like wave, wind field and its surface present velocity are currently installed already all throughout the country as preparation for the completion of the Project NOAH in two years of time. This project was highly supported and participated by public and private; both local and international agencies and organizations in the country namely by PAG-ASA, DOST- ASTI, PHILVOLCS, DOST-STII, -UP NIGS EML Laboratory, ClimateX Project, UP NIGS VTEC Laboratory, nababaha.com, UP DEGE- TCAGP, UP- MSI, British Council, British Embassy, UK Environment Agency, Cabot Institute of Bristol University, Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Potsdam, MediaQuest Holdings Inc., Manila Observatory, DRRNet, DILG, MMDA, Smart Communications Incorporated, SUN Cellular, Globe Telecommunications, Google Crisis Response, Petron, Government of Japan, DENR, DPWH and the lifesomundane.net THE PROJECT NOAH SYSTEM 1. First, go to www.noah.dost.gov.ph 2. The website of Project Noah will appear like this: 3. Suppose that you are in Intramuros, Manila†¦ You may put your location on the Search Tab above then click enter to show the map of your location 4. You may look for the Probability of Rain in the Weather Outlook Tab, the Flood Map, the available weather stations, stream and rain gauges in the Weather Stations Tab on your location 5. It will also inform you about the Flood hazard based on the Flood Hazard Map released by the Philippine government by clicking the Legend Tab FLOOD HAZARD MAP BY DOST FLOOD HAZARD ON NOAH.DOST.GOV.PH 6. The website will also provide you basic information that makes you understand what PROJECT NOAH is about by clicking the ABOUT Tab 7. It gives step by step instructions on how to use the system by clicking the Help Tab in the upper right side of the website†¦ Since the World Wide Web and the development of technology are very rampant nowadays on the present generation, having an access to the DOST’s Project NOAH would not be a problem. It would be very helpful to the people to prepare and plan ahead before a disaster would strike their areas. It would help in reducing casualties and extreme property loss due to hazardous events like what happened during the monsoon two weeks ago in many parts of the country where not only the livestock of the people were sacrificed but also the lives of our fellow men. BIBLIOGRAPHY http://noah.dost.gov.ph/ http://www.nababaha.com/ http://region4a.dost.gov.ph/index.php/press-release/296-dosts-project-noah-to-strengthen-nationwide-disaster-risk-reduction-efforts.html http://ad2.ycasmd.info/custompopup.php?ref=animehere.com&aid=18 http://www.philippinecollegian.org/project-noah/ http://www.gov.ph/ http://www.pia.gov.ph/news/index.php?keywords=DOST http://www.manilatimes.net/index.php/news/headlines-mt/28746-monsoon-flood-toll-reaches-60 http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/244837/tuesday-rains-surpass-ondoys-2009-rainfall-pagasa http://www.dost.gov.ph/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage http://www.thepoc.net/thepoc-features/lintech/how-tos-and-lifehacks/16730-project-noah.html http://blogwatch.tv/2012/08/nababaha-tutorial-of-project-noah-via-twitter/ http://kamalayangkalayaan.wordpress.com/agham-o-siyensiya/project-noah-nationwide-operational-assessment-of-hazards/ http://inagist.com/gone

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Chinese Nationalism Essay Essay

A? er a long ? me of peace and success the Qing dynasty was the highest point of its power. However, as ? me passes they were harassed and humiliated by western powers, quickly the Qing dynasty collapsed. But the Qing collapsed due to the tremendous external pressures of moderniza? on that the west implemented. Extraterritoriality was a huge contribu? ng factor to the fall of the Qing dynasty. China set aside (ve coastal ports for the Bri? sh to use in the southern part of the country. From the start this was a bad idea, basically China was giving them a part of their land for them to save and make money o* of. This caused a limit on their taxes for imported goods. Essen? ally, the Bri? sh were saving and making so much money from this that their army prospered. The Bri? sh army grew because now that they had an outstanding amount of money they were able to cover the costs of war and spend the money on their own country. But it didn’t stop there; China also gave the Bri? sh the island of Hong Kong. This meant that they were able to obtain even more wealth by taking advantage of the land. The ac? On that China made which allowed the Bri? sh to use a part of their country was set up to fail, nothing good could have came out of this to help China which is why external pressures were such a big factor in the fall of the Qing dynasty. Similar to extraterritoriality, an interna? onal economy also caused a decline in the Qing dynasty. During the ? me European traders moved into China, China’s trade and industry were doing extremely in large ci? es. At this ? me, westerners forced China to join the interna? Onal economy; this was huge for China’s economy because it would reach its utmost height; but in the long run was not bene(cial for China at all. Imperialism started to become a problem in China. Many of the Chinese were being used, and it caused a state of dependence on China. Also due to imperialism China was in a period of underdevelopment. This meant that because of foreign countries taking advantage of China; instead of the pro(ts Chinas new economy was making going to its own country it went to foreign na? ons. Chinas industry and trade went through a ? Me of deteriora? ng, which caused the economy to go down and China as a whole to weakening. China was also being used for its land and resources, which is why Jack Petersohn History in-class essay other countries were â€Å"carving up the Chinese melon†. Many European and western countries wanted to have a piece of China; therefore they were â€Å"carving up the Chinese melon†. These foreign na? ons forced China to reform to new ways and change even though they wanted to keep tradi? on. For example westerners introduced China to new means of transporta? On and technology. China may have enjoyed and used these new advances but it took them away from their tradi? on; this caused an outbreak for rebellion and revolt. Therefore triggering a decline in the na? on due to external pressures. The foreign in6uences on China caused the Qing dynasty to struggle in maintaining power. Westerners use China for its individual economical bene(ts while China was in a ? me of stress and were barely keeping power. Eventually China declined and the Qing dynasty fell due to the external pressures.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Schizophrenia in Society essays

Schizophrenia in Society essays Schizophrenia is defined as a chronic and debilitating mental illness which causes the distortion of reality. It is one of the most severe mental illnesses known to the scientific community. In a day and age where over 22.1 percent of Americans have diagnosable mental illnesses, schizophrenia seems to be the king. In 1998 statistics showed that over 2.2 million people had schizophrenia. It is estimated that 1.1 percent of the world population have schizophrenia in a given year. Schizophrenia affects men women in the same way. People usually develop schizophrenia between the ages of 18-25, but usually men get it earlier. Schizophrenia has many variations of itself. These variations are called subtypes. One subtype of schizophrenia is catatonic schizophrenia. When someone has catatonic schizophrenia they exhibit extremes in their behavior. People with catatonic schizophrenia may also develop catalepsy, echolalia, or echopraxia. Catalepsy is a lack of response to external stimuli and muscular rigidity causing the limbs to stay in the position where they are last placed. Catalepsy is also common among people with epilepsy. Echolalia and echopraxia are similar in the fact that they are both imitations of something. Often people with catatonic schizophrenia imitate sound (Echolalia) movements (Echophraxia). People with these can explode into a jumpy, erratic behavior causing them to repeat purposeless movements. Catatonic Schizophrenia is rare today, but will always be referred to as one of the most advanced types of schizophrenia before modern treatment. Another type of schizophrenia is Disorganized Schizophrenia. People with this subtype are often very disorganized in their actions and speech. These peoples actions may seem flat and inappropriate at times. When disorganized schizophrenia is developed it disturbs a persons behavior, communication, and thought. People with this may be more eccentric than most people as many dressy...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

PALMER Surname Meaning and Family History

PALMER Surname Meaning and Family History From the Middle English and Old French palmer or paumer, taken from palme meaning palm tree. Palmer or Parmer was often a nickname for someone who had been on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and brought back a palm branch as proof that they had actually made the journey. Palmer can also be a geographical German surname for someone living among the pussy willows or palms, from the Middle High German palme, balme, meaning pussy willow or palm tree. Surname Origin:  English, German, Dutch Alternate Surname Spellings:  PALMORE, PARMER, PALMOUR, PALMOORE, PARMOORE, PARRAMORE, PALLMER   Famous People with the PALMER Surname A. Mitchell Palmer -  U.S. attorney general under Woodrow Wilson responsible for launching  the Palmer RaidsArnold Palmer - American champion golferRobert Palmer - British singer songwriterKeke Palmer - American actress and singerAustin Norman Palmer -  Author of the Palmer Method of penmanshipEdward Palmer - British botanistHenry Spencer Palmer - British Army military engineer and surveyor Where is the PALMER Last Name Most Common? Palmer, according to surname data from Forebears, is most common in the United States where it ranks as the 155th most common surname in the country. It is very common in England, where it ranks 80th, as well as New Zealand (114th) and  Australia (125th). The surname is fairly evenly distributed around England, but ranks highest in Norfolk (15th), Somerset (15th), Cambridgeshire (19th) and Leicestershire (22nd). WorldNames PublicProfiler has the Palmer surname as most commonly found in the United Kingdom, with the greatest numbers clustered in Norfolk County and around the city of Birmingham.   Genealogy Resources for the Surname PALMER 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their MeaningsSmith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census? Palmer Surname DNA ProjectA central site for all Palmer descendants who want to participate in Family Tree DNA testing to learn about their Palmer ancestors and where and who they came from. Palmer  Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Palmer  family crest or coat of arms for the Palmer surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. PALMER Family Genealogy ForumFree message board is focused on descendants of Palmer ancestors around the world. FamilySearch - PALMER  GenealogyExplore over 4.5  million  historical records which mention individuals with the Palmer surname, as well as online Palmer family trees on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. PALMER Surname Mailing ListFree mailing list for researchers of the Palmer surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages. DistantCousin.com - PALMER Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Palmer. GeneaNet - Palmer  RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Palmer  surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Palmer  Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse family trees and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the last name Palmer  from the website of Genealogy Today.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to  Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Romania Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Romania - Essay Example The Revolution in Romania in 1989 led to scores of deaths and put an end to Communist rule in Romania. Ceausescu and his wife were summarily produced before a sham court, declared guilty of mass murder, sentenced and executed by the end of 1989. If we step away from these incidents and look at the years preceding, we will see that till 1947 Romania was truly liberal in its politics and economic organization. During the next twelve years Soviet style government was imposed on Romania and the party's dictates had to be followed, The Securitate (police) was at the centre of a net of covert Russian style security system created to keep a watch on even private lives of people, this was later to be exploited by Ceausescu. The activities of the Church were restricted and in its stead, mass organizations were put into place mainly to harness public opinion. Stalinist style planning was introduced and industrial production tended to lean more toward heavy machinery rather than goods for mass consumption. Artists and writers were expected to express the views of the State. Everything Soviet was eulogized and emulated. But, Romanians did not sympathize with this regime. This resistance led to the imposition of COMECON and the Warsaw Treaty Organization, created to counter the military and economic influence of the Western Allies. Increasing disenchantment with Communist Russia and the emergence of Romanian national Communism led to a relatively liberal period during the 1960's when curbs on artists were relaxed and health care and social benefits were introduced along with interactions with the United States. This situation even led to the "declaration of independence" by the Romanian Communist Party m albeit still under the basic Communist structure. Nicolae Ceausescu continued with this 'liberal' trend disallowing Warsaw Pact military maneuvers in Romania and really showed his fangs when he suddenly advocated a return to rigid orthodoxy when once again, private life was intruded on and the supremacy of the Party was above all. 2 In his 24 years in power Ceausescu attempted to spread Communism through his ban on abortion from the 1960's. This was supposed to increase the Communist population to over 20 million by the beginning of the second millennium. To enforce this, a clampdown was imposed on abortions and the use of contraceptives coupled with a law stating that each couple has at least five children. Monetary rewards were bestowed after the birth of each child and a family with more children would be given 500 lei monthly. The result was that the overwhelming population of children had to be moved to orphanages. Over 100000 million children were inmates of these state run orphanages and living under the threat of imminent disease and abuse. The healthy ones were picked to be trained to join the infamous state police or Securitate and the frail were left to their own fate in filthy conditions m uncared for and unwanted.3 In conclusion it should be mentioned that after Ceausescu's execution, these orphanages were visited by journalists and then the impact of the calamity was really felt. But nothing much has been done about these orphanages - the children continue to remain there under terrible conditions and inadequate medical care. With